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A more structured YouTube channel

I personally think that my uploads in the past have been a bit disorganized on YouTube due to me having two different channels, my official artist channel Peder B. Helland and Soothing Relaxation.

Since the beginning of 2021, I have been sharing my new work in a more structured way on YouTube. Well, at least in my opinion! Now I share all new tracks on Peder B. Helland in their original forms, and on Soothing Relaxation I share extended versions and playlists of the tracks that fit this format.

In addition, I have been making it easier to navigate the videos on Soothing Relaxation. First of all, all the videos on Soothing Relaxation now has our logo overlaid in the bottom-left corner of the thumbnails. Secondly, each new video title now start with the title of the track (if it's not a playlist).

I've also been working on including more useful playlists on the homepage. You can check it out here and let me know what you think!

I hope these measures make it easier to navigate the videos across the two channels going forward! Feel free to see it in action by listening to my new composition 'Spring' below.

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