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Important update: Changes to Licenses of Peder B. Helland's music

Good day,

Today, I wanted to share some important news with you about a change coming to how my music is licensed.

To cut the story short, I have decided to stop selling automatic licenses for using my music through the Soothing Relaxation online store. These licenses made it possible to automatically clear my music for use in short films and videos. In this post, I will explain the reasoning for removing this functionality and how it will be possible to license my music in the future.

Before I go any further, I'd like to thank you if you have licensed my music for your video or short film in the past. It has been amazing to watch a lot of the videos that have featured my music in the background.

I wanted to share a bit more about why I've made this decision. First of all, I want to have a better understanding of how my music is being used. I love to see how you incorporate my music in your videos and short films. A more direct licensing approach gives me a better connection to your project, and furthermore, it makes it possible for me to provide a better service for your music needs. It also gives me more control in cases where I don't wish to license the music.

In addition, I’ve realized that having one price for a lot of different synch projects doesn’t always feel fair or appropriate. In some cases, the prices have been too expensive and in other cases they've been too low. It's not fair that a huge production company pays the same license fee as a small volunteering association, and our licensing system at did not have the capability of adaptive prices in cases like these. A direct licensing approach will thus hopefully enable more fair prices for everyone.

There has also been some confusion in the past regarding the downloads on This change will make it easier to understand that all music downloaded from the site is intended solely for personal use. In the future, I might introduce a new system or workflow for licensing my music on a separate site, but it will stay disconnected from the main online store.

So, while this change might require a little extra step to license my music, I believe it will lead to a better process and outcome in the long run. I’m very excited to hear about your projects and to find ways my music can contribute to your creative vision. Also, don't hesitate to reach out if you're looking for original music for your new project.

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. I'm looking forward to this next chapter and releasing more music for all of you!

Best regards,

Peder B. Helland

Creator of Soothing Relaxation


1 Comment

Han Seong Joo
Han Seong Joo
Dec 22, 2024

I'm not a commercial YouTube crater, but a videographer whose hobby is video production.

How should I buy your music to use as background music on YouTube or Facebook?

Please reply to my email or reply to me on this website

my email :

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